Corporate Responsibility
Maintaining The Highest Standards
We are making the company a place where talented people want to work. Our commitment to corporate responsibility starts with our people, which is why we focus on attracting and retaining the best and brightest people. It's also why we provide our employees with challenging and rewarding work opportunities.
And it's why we have a variety of programs to recognize them for their experience and reward them for their hard work.
A successful organization is built upon successful people. That is why we strive to hire a diverse workforce of individuals who pursue innovation and bring leadership and passion to their work. Their contributions directly support our operational success.
Evaluation of a contractor's written safety program and corresponding documentation must conform to the safety practices of the corporation. All sub-contractors working within our corporate operations must be on an approved contractor list. By only working with approved contractors, field coordinators, and supervisors, we can better maintain a superior level of due diligence for overall corporate safety.
Silhouette of a construction worker on site, we strive to identify, eliminate or control hazards and prevent injuries on our worksites by:
• Ensuring our employees and contractors get the training and experience they need to work safely• Working collaboratively with our service providers and contractors to create safer worksites and areas • Investigating incidents and learning from them to prevent reoccurrences • Stressing the importance of safe driving • Demanding alcohol- and drug-free workplace• Communicating our safety successes and challenges openly Our environment, health, and safety principles guide our behaviour and help our staff achieve the desired level of performance. By following the structures, practices, and procedures stemming from the principle guide, we meet our required accountabilities and demonstrate sound performance to all stakeholders. Driver distraction practice prohibits the use of communications devices such as cell phones, both hand-held and hands-free, and other electronic devices, including PDAs, while driving either a company vehicle or a personal/rental vehicle on company business.
Silhouette of a construction worker on site, we strive to identify, eliminate or control hazards and prevent injuries on our worksites by:
• Ensuring our employees and contractors get the training and experience they need to work safely• Working collaboratively with our service providers and contractors to create safer worksites and areas • Investigating incidents and learning from them to prevent reoccurrences • Stressing the importance of safe driving • Demanding alcohol- and drug-free workplace• Communicating our safety successes and challenges openly Our environment, health, and safety principles guide our behaviour and help our staff achieve the desired level of performance. By following the structures, practices, and procedures stemming from the principle guide, we meet our required accountabilities and demonstrate sound performance to all stakeholders. Driver distraction practice prohibits the use of communications devices such as cell phones, both hand-held and hands-free, and other electronic devices, including PDAs, while driving either a company vehicle or a personal/rental vehicle on company business.
Total Rewards
We provide our employees with highly competitive, results-based compensation aligned with shareholders, benefits, and workplace programs and practices, making our corporation an attractive and enjoyable workplace.
We recognize the importance of showing appreciation for our employees beyond our total compensation programs. We promote a culture of appreciation and recognition by providing service and safety awards and tools that all employees can use to thank others in simple ways.
Career Management
Our employees are accountable for developing their careers and opportunities to participate in training and education programs. Our high-performance achievement program keeps employees focused on the results we need to deliver.
Focusing on Safety, given that Safety is not without risks, we stress safety as a core value throughout the corporation. We enhance our safety focus, increase communication on the importance of Safety in all areas of our operations and work safety, and equip our leaders, staff, and contractors with the information and tools they need.
The scope of our operations means that we work with many suppliers, contractors, and consultants, working together with them to drive our safety performance. As safety practices are expected of all our employees, we require anyone working with us to sign off on their understanding and acceptance of our policies and practices.
Through our Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) Principles, our human resources policies and practices, and our EH&S Management System, Trust Management Services Inc. is committed to helping ensure the health, safety, and welfare of our employees and contractors, visitors to our worksites, and communities who may be affected by our activities.
Safety First, There has been increasing concern about motor vehicle incidents, including driving-related fatalities. Safety is everyone’s business. We all are responsible to our families and friends to drive safely and return home safely.
We are concerned about corporate members within our industry-wide initiative that encourages management to visit frontline workers and talk about safety. Employees and contractors from across our operations participate in this initiative for safer driving. We are very passionate about this issue of accident prevention and ask people to speak out when they see a behaviour or any situation that puts others at risk - before an injury or incident occurs.
We are concerned about corporate members within our industry-wide initiative that encourages management to visit frontline workers and talk about safety. Employees and contractors from across our operations participate in this initiative for safer driving. We are very passionate about this issue of accident prevention and ask people to speak out when they see a behaviour or any situation that puts others at risk - before an injury or incident occurs.
We are taking Our Environmental Responsibility Seriously. Nature. The impact of development is something many are concerned about. We take a responsible approach to the products and services offered through our corporate, as this productivity is essential to our everyday lives.
Each area where we operate presents a distinct environmental challenge, such as minimizing water use, safe water disposal, managing air emissions, and limiting our physical footprint and impact on natural diversity, including wildlife. Working with all stakeholders, we explore the needs of our operating areas and use technology and innovation to mitigate our impact on the environment.
We ensure that our employees, contractors, and third-party service providers understand their responsibilities and are adequately trained and monitored regularly for compliance. Our comprehensive operational systems for monitoring, managing and reporting accurately include training objectives and regular internal audits. These approaches help us maintain high levels of environmental stewardship.
Encouraging the appropriate use of solar energy, wind energy, and other alternatives environmentally friendly technologies available throughout our operations is within our policy, and we are proud to be active participants.

We share the land with our stakeholders. Given the multiple uses of the landscape, both human and ecological, there is an increased expectation for companies to demonstrate a high degree of environmental protection and a drive to implement better land use solutions.
We approach these solutions by integrating environmental mapping, low-impact technology, species conservation, and biodiversity consideration into our planning and operational decisions. Some examples include:
• Low-impact excavation in all our projects• Centrally located maintenance and field areas that reduce the need to have unsightly facilities desecrate the natural landscape• Sponsorship of conservation programs that support wildlife migration• Use of baseline mapping technology that helps us visualize and identify relationships between environmental and social data when considering the location of operational facilities• Land reclamation including reseeding of disturbed areas with native seed mixes
We focus on ways to reduce air pollutants, decrease emissions intensity and improve energy efficiency:
• We focus on developing technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions• We are involved in creating industry best practices• We encourage industry-leading systems and practices by promoting proper equipment and operational maintenance. Corporate supports the need to put a fair, economy-wide price on carbon.
This ensures everyone who contributes to the issue is part of the solution. Our policy strategy for managing the uncertainty of emerging carbon regulations has three primary elements:
Manage existing costs of carbon emissions. When regulations are implemented, a fee is placed on our emissions (or a portion thereof). While these are not material at this stage, they are being actively managed to ensure compliance. Effective emissions are tracking, attention to fuel consumption, and focusing on minimizing our air quality footprint to help support and drive cost reduction.
Respond to price signals regulations for greenhouse gases develop in the areas where we work, and inevitably price signals begin to emerge. We have initiated to reduce energy usage from our operations. The price of carbon plays a role in the economics of efficiency efforts. Our corporate is also attempting, where appropriate, to realize the associated offset value of its reduction projects.
Anticipate future carbon-constrained scenarios and continue to work with governments, academics, and industry leaders to develop and respond to emerging greenhouse gas regulations. By remaining engaged in the debate on the most appropriate means to regulate these emissions, we gain knowledge to explore strategies for managing our corporate emissions and costs. These scenarios impact our long-term planning and analyses of regulatory trends' implications.

Water is an essential resource playing a vital part in many of the activities with which Trust Management Services Inc. is involved. We support a responsible approach to sourcing, using, transporting, and disposing of water.
We often work beyond regulatory requirements to achieve more efficient water use through sound water management practices. We also make available supportive funding, enabling us to partner in initiated opportunities to allow more efficient water use for future generations.
We recognize that our water requirements and the challenges our operations pose require tailored approaches to water resource management. We reduce the use of freshwater by sourcing alternatives where appropriate and recycling and reusing water wherever possible. Where produced water cannot be recycled, we dispose of it responsibly to avoid contamination of freshwater resources and land.
We continue to work on best practices to expand our knowledge and strive to meet stakeholders expectations regarding our water use.
Energy Efficiency
The goal of our operations is to create measurable reductions in energy use and related air emissions by:
• Developing cooperative working relationships across all levels of the company as well as with outside organizations to seek opportunities for energy efficiency
• And researching new technology that can have a significant value-added impact on energy/conservation and related reductions in greenhouse gas emissions
• Working with our staff and the communities in which we operate to incorporate energy-efficient changes into their lives
Our Environment Project Funding
A key aspect of our success is the ability to apply and leverage creative new ideas and technologies. We are prepared to supply financing on projects that support the development, demonstration, and commercialization of innovative, clean energy technologies related to the energy sector. This funding supports innovation in the following areas:
• Reduction of air emissions, operations waste, and our physical footprint• Conservation and recycling of water, energy, and materials• Protection and reclamation of groundwater, land, and habitat• Development of new, renewable energy technologies.
We welcome environmental ideas that:
• Improve the environmental performance associated with producing or consuming energy• Advance, demonstrate and commercialize innovative technologies and practices• Puts into practice the commitments in our Corporate Responsibility policy.
For more information on our support funding, please provide written requests and register for our Project Funding initiative on the website.
Community Engagement
The majority of our operations are in areas where people live and work. Ensuring they understand who we are and what they can expect from us is crucial to our business.
We work with stakeholders transparently, honestly, and respectfully by listening to their concerns and working together to find solutions to meet their needs. Open dialogue with stakeholders enables good decision-making, helps identify and resolve issues, builds strong communities, and supports shared learning before, during, and after our operating activities.
Man Playing Guitar with FamilyEffective stakeholder engagement with Trust Management Services Inc. and industry depends on building trust, dialogue and consultation, and collaboration. Our approach to engagement is tailored to meet the needs of our stakeholders and can include the following:
• Posting information regarding our corporate activities on our website as well as community websites if available• Meeting with municipalities where we operate to discuss our operations and to find out what the community priorities are• Holding events to provide an opportunity for local community members to receive general information on our business and to have one-on-one dialogue with our staff• Hosting open houses and other community events
We regularly review our activities to find ways to make lasting improvements. To ensure we're getting it right, we ask landowners, residents, and other stakeholders for feedback on how we're doing as good neighbours. We intend to conduct surveys within the communities to identify concerns across our operations in each local. These surveys help us to understand better our impact on the communities influenced.
To meet the principles defined in our Corporate Constitution and Corporate Responsibility Policy, we develop guides that provide direction to employees and contractors regarding our engagement practices and accountability. We have guidelines that provide clear expectations of our agents, including external broker representatives. We expect all agents acting on our behalf to act with integrity and treat all participants and affected communities respectfully. Corporate agents are trained to know the regulatory requirements and fundamental information about our company, particularly the industry in general, to reflect our values.
Our stakeholders include private shareholders, employees and contractors, landowners, communities, private sector partners and competitors, government, financial institutions, regulators, and civil society organizations such as environmental non-government organizations and community-based organizations.
We regularly review our activities to find ways to make lasting improvements. To ensure we're getting it right, we ask landowners, residents, and other stakeholders for feedback on how we're doing as good neighbours. We intend to conduct surveys within the communities to identify concerns across our operations in each local. These surveys help us to understand better our impact on the communities influenced.
To meet the principles defined in our Corporate Constitution and Corporate Responsibility Policy, we develop guides that provide direction to employees and contractors regarding our engagement practices and accountability. We have guidelines that provide clear expectations of our agents, including external broker representatives. We expect all agents acting on our behalf to act with integrity and treat all participants and affected communities respectfully. Corporate agents are trained to know the regulatory requirements and fundamental information about our company, particularly the industry in general, to reflect our values.
Our stakeholders include private shareholders, employees and contractors, landowners, communities, private sector partners and competitors, government, financial institutions, regulators, and civil society organizations such as environmental non-government organizations and community-based organizations.

Local community people and businesses represent an important source of new skills for our workforce. We encourage an increase in the level of community member participation in our local activities by providing opportunities for employment and training wherever possible and encourage contractors to draw on the local labor force in the local communities for employment.
We are dedicated to the advancement of community member youth, support community-based institutions, provide sponsorships for youth activities, and work with educators on curriculum development. We expect that over the next years that many community youths will enter the labor force and we are working today to attract the attention of these young people whom we regard as persons that are staged as a very valuable resource. web assets/Partner1.jpgCourtesy
We encourage a foundation of courteous behaviour in the communities in which we operate. We have partnered with communities to understand their concerns, which include traffic, gates, dust, noise, and garbage. We have established clear expectations for our employees and contractors to address those concerns.
We encourage a foundation of courteous behaviour in the communities in which we operate. We have partnered with communities to understand their concerns, which include traffic, gates, dust, noise, and garbage. We have established clear expectations for our employees and contractors to address those concerns.

Contributing to the well-being of communities is the responsibility of a good corporate citizen. We embrace the opportunity to contribute to the strength and sustainability of the communities where we operate. Many of our employees may also live in these communities, so they have first-hand knowledge of what will help those communities thrive. We take a strategic approach to positively impact and work with communities to understand and support their needs. Each year we will contribute to the communities where we work and live, which aligns with a responsible approach standard for corporate giving.
Community Relations
We work with all the locally affected communities and organizations and strive to build strong, mutually beneficial relationships with community members. We strive to treat all communities in which we work fairly and equitably, guided by our values and Corporate Constitution.
Construction Plans
To ensure that the interests and concerns of communities are heard and managed, we have usually increased the level of community member participation in our activities by:
• Creating opportunities in business and economic development• Providing employment and training• Lessening environmental and social concerns and impacts. We constantly improve our guidelines and programs and provide our staff with training and communication skills to address the concerns that affect their employment capabilities.
We pride ourselves on our successes in building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with local communities. We commonly would provide significant donations and sponsorships to community programs and events, including:
• forums that bring together industry, government, and local community members to share perspectives and discuss issues of concern;• encouragement of local community development centers for local members, which house training and community wellness programs; and• through our community development foundation structure offer the scholarship and bursary program dedicated to developing the next generation of community leaders.
Our approach to working with local communities and increasing participation in our activities reflects our commitment to the communities in which we have operations. Occasionally, we sponsor or support events or significant local community milestones. Some of these projects include:
• Special school sports activity sponsorship programs• Community conferences and learning seminars• Seniors and elders community events• Festival activities• Community health and wellness activities
Inquiries about our potential support of sponsorship of community events can be directed to Trust Management Services Inc. Advisory Board. There are several communities near our operations. These communities commonly provide qualified local employees. We intend to benefit significantly from recruiting and training the local community as employees that address the many procedures and technical opportunities in these areas.
Community Investment
1. The organization must be located in and serving in and around our business area2. The organization should be a registered charity which is eligible to issue official tax receipts for donations, or an established not-for-profit community organization.3. The objectives of the organization must reflect the principles and purposes of capacity building.4. The organization must be in the sound financial condition or be able to demonstrate that it has an effective plan for eliminating any financial difficulties.
Limitations and Exclusions
Except in particular circumstances as may be determined by the corporation, Community Investment donations will not be made in support of the following:
• Individuals• Religious organizations (except for those with non-faith-based purposes)• Third-party fundraisers• Professional conventions, conferences, or seminars, unless industry-related
• Travel for individuals or groups• Organizations located outside of the regions or communities where Trust Management Services Inc. does business• Political events
- Many of our employees offer their time to non-profit and charitable organizations through volunteerism in several areas, from coaching youth sports teams to board participation. Organizations should not assume that Trust Management Services Inc. employee participation automatically pre-qualifies them for funding. Community Enhancement
- Through Community Enhancement, we support various programs that provide resources to help rural lifestyles, cultural programs, and economic development.
- Rural Lifestyles
- We recognize the importance of preserving and strengthening rural heritage and working with communities to help support their way of life (for example, agricultural societies).
- Cultural Programs
- We support a broad range of programs and events that contribute to the cultural richness of the community (festivals, libraries, and history preservation).
- Economic Development
- Growth and sustainability are essential to building viable communities, and we are proud to partner in the success of the communities where we work and live.
- Environment
- We share the public's concern for the environment and partner with organizations that care for and help protect the environment.
- Family & Community Wellness
- Wellness is a core value for our corporation. To promote wellness as part of our daily lives, we work with community partners who:
- • Contribute to the prevention of illness and injury
- • Enhance health care, social, and emergency services (children's hospitals, volunteer fire departments)
- Science, Trades, and Technology
- We support a focused approach to helping develop a sustainable, skilled workforce by promoting an interest in science, trades, and technology (scholarships, universities, technical institutions).
- Sport and RecreationSilhouette of mountain bikers at sunset rust Management Services Inc. recognizes that participation in sport and recreation contributes to communities' physical and social well-being. Our priority is to support community organizations that provide opportunities for active living (recreation complexes, minor sports associations).
- Every year, the corporation receives many funding requests. To ensure these requests move through our review process more efficiently, we are set to introduce a convenient online application form in the future. Still, at present, the submission of applications to us via mail or hand delivery is in a computer disk format. Community organizations should use the online form when sending funding requests to our Community Investment team. The online application will: • streamline the process and make it easier for us to track your application.
- • Support our commitment to the environment by reducing paper usage
- • To facilitate a more efficient response to your request because properly completed forms contain most of the information required for initial screening.
- Getting Started
- • Review our guidelines above to see if your project, program, or event falls within our areas of focus and our eligibility criteria
- • Review our frequently asked questions
- • Collect the information you will need to complete the application, such as:
- • Organization name and address
- • Contact information
- • Tax ID numbers, if applicable
- • Project title and description
- • Outcomes, measurement strategy, etc
- • Go to the online form (when available) or submit the computer disk format to:
NOTE: The following procedures, except item #10, will ONLY be applicable when we establish the online application. Please note that this format is NOT presently available.
• Log in and create a password for your account - After you log in, you will receive an email confirming your account information - please retain it for future reference• Complete all required fields on the form and attach supplementary materials, if applicable.• Save your work and either submit the application immediately or save the application to submit it later (Please note: if your application is inactive for 120 days, it will be automatically deleted from the system.)• After submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation email with the subject line funding request received. This email will include the contents of your application. You can log in to your account at any time using the password you chose and confirmed in the account information email.• Note: Proposals are reviewed on an ongoing basis. It can take up to three months for us to review your request. We appreciate your patience while we carefully review your request.• At this time, you may download the application form and mail it along with any supporting documents to:
Employee Giving Programs
Our corporate encourages each employee to make a difference in their community through our annual giving campaign, matching gifts, and employee volunteer programs.
This volunteer program allows employees and their immediate families to apply for grants based on the number of hours they volunteer with a non-profit or charitable organization. To begin the program, we will establish specific areas applicable to celebrate employees and their families participating in volunteer activities in their communities. Family volunteer program examples would be employee families participating in activities such as a community clean up, repairing carts, and bicycles, planting community vegetation (trees, shrubs, and flowers) for community beautification, playground and sports field clean up and maintenance, and other applicable programs that may arise.
Corporate Responsibility Reporting
As we involve ourselves in more corporate responsibility programs, we will list the various involvement activities on the Trust Management Services Inc. website. This would be a brief highlights listing of our corporate responsibility performance, including stories that best demonstrate how we live up to our corporate responsibility commitments throughout the company.
Our Corporate Responsibility Policy translates the guiding principles, values, and behaviours outlined in our Corporate Constitution into clear commitments that strive to manage risk, improve performance and increase efficiency.
Integrity Hotline
We need to know about concerns surrounding our operations. Our Integrity Hotline is one way for any concerned individual to convey issues about our corporate functions.
Our employees are encouraged to discuss their concerns with their supervisors or human resources. Those who regularly work or interact with our corporation should report any problems to their primary contact at the company. These concerns include, but are not limited to:
Potential violations of:
• Any statute, regulation, or rule of our corporate policy or practice• Our Business Conduct & Ethics Practice• Accounting standards, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters• Our complainant protection practice• Environmental, occupational health, and safety legislation
Workplace concerns
•Harassment or another inappropriate workplace conduct• Fraudulent activities or theft• Unsafe work practices
Coercion of our corporate external or internal auditors or any attempt to improperly affect our financial statements or financial reporting practices.
If, for any reason, these channels aren't appropriate, concerns can be reported directly to the Integrity Hotline or through our investigative committee. All reports are confidential, and requests for anonymity will be honoured. Please ensure that anonymous announcements contain sufficient detail for investigation.
Community members concerned with issues related to corporate physical operations contact us in writing at our Advisory Board.
• Log in and create a password for your account - After you log in, you will receive an email confirming your account information - please retain it for future reference• Complete all required fields on the form and attach supplementary materials, if applicable.• Save your work and either submit the application immediately or save the application to submit it later (Please note: if your application is inactive for 120 days, it will be automatically deleted from the system.)• After submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation email with the subject line funding request received. This email will include the contents of your application. You can log in to your account at any time using the password you chose and confirmed in the account information email.• Note: Proposals are reviewed on an ongoing basis. It can take up to three months for us to review your request. We appreciate your patience while we carefully review your request.• At this time, you may download the application form and mail it along with any supporting documents to:
Employee Giving Programs
Our corporate encourages each employee to make a difference in their community through our annual giving campaign, matching gifts, and employee volunteer programs.
This volunteer program allows employees and their immediate families to apply for grants based on the number of hours they volunteer with a non-profit or charitable organization. To begin the program, we will establish specific areas applicable to celebrate employees and their families participating in volunteer activities in their communities. Family volunteer program examples would be employee families participating in activities such as a community clean up, repairing carts, and bicycles, planting community vegetation (trees, shrubs, and flowers) for community beautification, playground and sports field clean up and maintenance, and other applicable programs that may arise.
Corporate Responsibility Reporting
As we involve ourselves in more corporate responsibility programs, we will list the various involvement activities on the Trust Management Services Inc. website. This would be a brief highlights listing of our corporate responsibility performance, including stories that best demonstrate how we live up to our corporate responsibility commitments throughout the company.
Our Corporate Responsibility Policy translates the guiding principles, values, and behaviours outlined in our Corporate Constitution into clear commitments that strive to manage risk, improve performance and increase efficiency.
Integrity Hotline
We need to know about concerns surrounding our operations. Our Integrity Hotline is one way for any concerned individual to convey issues about our corporate functions.
Our employees are encouraged to discuss their concerns with their supervisors or human resources. Those who regularly work or interact with our corporation should report any problems to their primary contact at the company. These concerns include, but are not limited to:
Potential violations of:
• Any statute, regulation, or rule of our corporate policy or practice• Our Business Conduct & Ethics Practice• Accounting standards, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters• Our complainant protection practice• Environmental, occupational health, and safety legislation
Workplace concerns
•Harassment or another inappropriate workplace conduct• Fraudulent activities or theft• Unsafe work practices
Coercion of our corporate external or internal auditors or any attempt to improperly affect our financial statements or financial reporting practices.
If, for any reason, these channels aren't appropriate, concerns can be reported directly to the Integrity Hotline or through our investigative committee. All reports are confidential, and requests for anonymity will be honoured. Please ensure that anonymous announcements contain sufficient detail for investigation.
Community members concerned with issues related to corporate physical operations contact us in writing at our Advisory Board.