#1 – Smaller Loans
#2 - Private Loans for Corporate Projects
#3 – Government Priority Projects (Private Loans)
#4 – Costs Associated to Achieve a Loan
#6 – Partnering Business for Projects Worldwide
#7 – Frequent Q&A on Business Partnering
#8 – Commodity Buy/Sell
#9 – Project Opportunities from Around the World
#10 – Corporate Governance, Constitution, Policy & Ethics
#11 – Special Finance Services, Historical Bonds, DTC & GPI Transfers
#13 – Special Intro to New Technologies
#15 – JV Acquisitions& Public Private Partnerships
#16 – Whats NEWS in The Financial World at Trust Management Services Inc.
Welcome to
Misplaced Inheritance Funds and
Astranged Cash Redemption of Funds
There are funds that are ceased after termoil and wars in certain countries - this may be cash funds or old cheques held but cannot be cashed under normal channels.
There may be a variety of similar descriptions used to describe these types of collateral, but approach us on these fund types that you may encounter and we may be able to assist your understanding and forward them into a redemption structure.
Be sure we receive the similar documentation outlined above or order the application from our website.
"Your Financial Relationship Partner"
What is Meant by
Specialty Financial Services?
There are misunderstood offers of collateral that come forward in support of project financing. These different types of collateral may be strange and unfamiliar to the standard institutional banking professionals in their everyday conversation. They involve areas of familiar sounding financial instrument terminology but involve a seemingly twist of intrigue with a variable in the description or terminology of the proposed instrument. Some of the terminology used to described these financial challenges are:
Redemption of Historical Funds, Bonds and Other Assets
There are three immediate requirement on documenation
Client Information Statement (CIS)
Proof of Funds (bank statement or screen shots recently dated)
Deed of Agreement
Downloadable Funds
These are large sum transfers that require ledger to ledger action, this is a specialty transfer of funds to new accounts that call for a special receiver. Contact us for any details, but make certain you have what is required in hand as to codes and verification procedures and a cooperative bank officer.
You must order the appliaction documenation from our shopping kart
Collateral for Projects can include:
OFF LEDGER FUNDSHistorical FundsBondsGold BullionDiamondsFine Jewelry KTT TRANSACTIONS
All the above require an application for us to check if we can use the varied forms of collateral as noted for project funding
All the above require an application for us to check if we can use the varied forms of collateral as noted for project funding
Disclaimer - Please ReadPlease be advised that some individuals and /or corporates are claiming to be representatives of our company. Some may show possesion of business cards and our stationary indicating association. All our agents and representatives can be verified with a contact email sent to us and we will confirm their association, if any. These individuals and/or corporates also may ask for deposits of funds to seek out funding for clients - BEWARE - all funds that are paid to ourselves for any preliminary application or association; are collected ONLY via a direct deposit to our Canadian Bank account, OR on PayPal via the Shopping Cart from our website, or you may pay, via telephone by credit card.NO FUNDS ARE EVER COLLECTED AS DUE IN PERSONContact us at: info@trust-management-services.com
Copyright @2020 Design and Content by Trust Management Services Inc., Calgary, Alberta, Canada